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Father Malachi Martin's enemies are of Satan. | Wiliamson | Kakia Livanos

Note concerning the below, Father Malachi Martin was true to the faith. Williamson has been exposed in massive detail as a heretic and apostate Rosicrucian.

John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.

Father Malachi Martin exposed Satan at the Vatican II Diabolic Robber pseudo-council. For that his enemies still caluminate him today. Father Malachi Martin's enemies are of Satan.

Sincere Catholics who appreciate Father Martin:
Triumph Communications - Defending Tradition - Testimonials

Your tapes are terrific! Thanks for the truth.
I have been searching for years and years to find tapes of this kind, but was unsuccessful. By the grace of God, I accidentally saw your ad in the Wanderer newspaper and was thrilled to find this treasure of knowledge.
I found the tapes better than I dared hope. I am also interested in getting some other sets for some family members and others.
Your tapes are the very best that I have heard. Thank you for the good work you do.
I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed these tapes.
I have all the tapes of Fr. Malachi Martin and yourself. They are extraordinary… Triumph Communications is a Catholic gem.
Many thanks for the two beautiful albums of cassettes by Dr. Malachi Martin and Bernard Janzen, which you mailed to me recently. The collection is truly a priceless treasure.
First, thanks for the latest series of interviews with Fr. Malachi Martin. As always, they are interesting, thought-provoking and a bolstering of my Roman Catholic Faith… I have been privileged to have all your interviews with Fr. Martin and have learned truths and traditions of the Faith – thank you both… There are very few voices of authentic and traditional Catholic belief, as you know, and I believe that you and your organization are one… Your tapes are of great instructional value to Catholics who know something is wrong in our Church but have not been able to articulate what it is.
Many times I felt that the rapport between you and Fr. Malachi was that of father and son and that we were eavesdropping on the religious conversations of the century… God bless you and your family. Keep up the good work.
I have ordered tapes from you in the past and keep listening to them over and over again. I cannot begin to tell you all that I have learned.
Thank you for the critical information your tapes provide. They are a great help.
Thank you so much. The tapes are fascinating!
Truly, I appreciate the very important service you offer us. You keep us informed…
All of Fr. Martin’s tapes are marvellous! I enjoy playing and replaying them often and constantly learn from them.
Your tapes are quite accurate and very sincere. May God bless you in your courageous work.
Thank you for your many tapes with Fr. Malachi Martin – I have them all and I listen to them often.
Thank you for mailing me my last three excellent cassettes of the Faith in Crisis series. My friends at church will be ordering them and I plan to circulate these as far as I can.
The interview tapes are great. Am trying to interest Fr. S.
Many thanks for forwarding me the wonderful sets of audiotapes between Malachi Martin and Mr. Bernard Janzen. I gave some sets as Christmas gifts to priest friends, and they have been very well received. The tapes are an excellent means of making known truths that have been swept under the carpet for far too long, and I intend to create a personal apostolate by making them known to as many as possible… It is imperative that those wondrous tapes reach as many people as possible.
I recently ordered the complete volumes of Fr. Malachi Martin and I wish to commend your effort to make his observations known. His message is alarmingly clear and confirms much of what I have seen going on in our church. His assessment brings the peace I have been searching for because his solution is so clear. I will be sharing these tapes with many people.
I want to order a set of Dr. Malachi Martin’s tapes. My tapes keep disappearing among good friends.
Thank you for making these tapes available. I will certainly recommend your firm and am very thankful for the work you are doing.
Thank you for the five tapes you have sent, which were very informative. I wish to order more.
I have ordered tapes from you in the past and keep listening to them over and over again. I cannot begin to tell you all that I have learned.
…So it was terrific to open your letter and find just what I was looking for. I have photocopied the order form and will keep them in my husband’s office for all to use.
You’re doing a great job and I will await the arrival of the tapes with the greatest interest…
Keep up the good work. You are doing a great job spreading the word with your sound tapes. I loaned mine to a friend who became a convert some years ago.
Thank you for your complete dedication. God bless you and your dear family.
Mr. Janzen is the best interviewer I’ve ever heard and his tapes are super!
You are really a terrific interviewer. Don’t stop!
Thank you for your most beautiful letter. It makes for inspirational reading material – very well done! Perhaps you should put down the microphone and take up the pen more often!
Bernard, myself and my family have all your Fr. Malachi Martin tapes. We are fans of your style and great work you do!
Thank you for your wonderful letter on Fr. Malachi. His death is a terrific loss for all of us true and traditional Catholics. Your interviews with him were just wonderful. I learned so much. Please continue your work through Triumph Communications. Your cassettes are the best there is.
Thank you very much for your hard work for the Church and for us. I wish God’s blessing on you and your family.
Please send the complete Faith in Crisis series by Bishop Williamson. Enclosed is a cheque for $100. Please send it as soon as you can so that I will hear the truth expressed with vim, vigour, vitality, and veritas.
Please send me the Faith in Crisis series by Bishop Williamson. Thank you for providing these wonderful resources for the Church militant. I would also appreciate a catalogue of the other resources you may have available.
Please keep me on your mailing list for upcoming Triumph releases. I’ve just discovered Malachi Martin and truly love him – if you have any more info on him (general biographical), I would love to see it. I greatly enjoy Bishop Williamson as well…
Although much “crisis in the Church” talk can degenerate into what the late great Fr. Feeney called “professional wailing”, I would not call Bishop Williamson’s analysis that if for no other reason than he is obviously fighting the evils. So, I eagerly look forward to your new series with him.
We have enjoyed and benefited from your contribution to the cause, and will continue to do so… Speaking of Bishop Williamson, by the way, we were very favourably impressed with his comments in the interview you conducted… I must mentioned, in passing, that it is uncanny the extent to which the bishop resembles, in voice and manner of delivery as well as substance, the late Father Malachi Martin, whom we sorely miss…
Thank you for your letter commending Father Malachi Martin as a source of enlightenment in the present crisis the Catholic Church is undergoing. He is one of the most brilliant churchmen of the 20th century, and thank God, so very orthodox and a great defender of traditional Catholic doctrine… Recently, I ordered from you a tape by Bishop Richard Williamson, who apparently is carrying in the tradition of Father Malachi Martin. These two priests of God are so similar in their outlook, traditionalism, and even in their English accents, so beautiful to listen to… I wish you well in your endeavour to spread the vital information contained in these extraordinary tapes by these two great churchmen. For the time being, I’m going to photocopy the data you sent and pass some copies among our local priests.
I love your cassettes and listening to Bishop Williamson.
Enclosed is a check in the amount of $100 to cover the Faith in Crisis series. I really appreciate the complete set of cassette tapes by Fr. Malachi Martin. I hope you can locate more of his tapes. May he rest in peace! You were truly blessed to know him personally. Thank you for this new series, which was advertised in the Remnant, that wonderful bi-weekly.
I want to thank you for the wonderful tapes… May Our Lady protect you and your enterprise, which is of a great service to the Church militant!
Enclosed, find a check for $140 for the complete set of Malachi Martin’s tapes. I want to thank you for making these tapes available. I can’t wait to listen to them.
We are glad to know that you are making available all of the cassette tape interviews with Malachi Martin.
My prayers are with you and your work.
Enclosed is my check in the sum of $420 for three complete sets of the cassette tapes you produced with our friend, Fr. Malachi Martin. I’m sure you miss his friendship and wisdom as much as I do. Thank you for making the tapes available in album form. Indeed, thank you for making them, a living legacy as it were of this wonderful priest and his love for Christ in His Church… God bless your family and your work.
Thank you many times over for making these tapes available. So much good is coming from Father Malachi.
Keep up the good work. I’m sure you have God’s blessings and our gratefulness.
Your address was given to me by… She has raved about your rosary tape and also about your tapes of Fr. Malachi Martin…
Thank you for your recent shipment of the complete set of the Malachi Martin audiotapes. We have really enjoyed listening to them and found them to be very informative.
We thoroughly enjoyed the two sets of tapes by Malachi Martin. Sadly, they only confirm what we have suspected for 30 years.
Thank you for carrying tapes of this wonderful priest!
I enjoy your cassettes - they are all clear and understandable. I especially enjoy them when a guest speaker is interviewed.
I eagerly await the tapes of the great Fr. Malachi Martin. Thank you and God bless you and your endeavours.
Malachi Martin’s tapes are very good. His voice, style, and knowledge are pleasing to the ear and the mind.
We would like to thank you for making the tapes of this most valiant priest available for purchase. We consider Fr. Malachi Martin’s words our earthly spiritual gold.
Thank you for the many thoughtful and enlightening interviews you have conducted over the past years.
Please give my thanks to Mr. Bernard Janzen for conducting these interviews with Fr. Martin. As a theology major who owns most of your audiotapes already, Fr. Martin has given me great insights about what is happening in the Roman Catholic Church and the world today. In addition, Fr. Martin inspired me to become a traditionalist at heart to support the continuation of the Roman Mass as well as the underground Church.
You have promoted and defended the true faith greatly with your many interviews. I hope you will continue with such work. I am thankful to you because your interviews with the late Fr. Malachi Martin saved me from despair and brought me to Tradition.
I am a very traditional Catholic, who, through books and tapes, came to realize what Vatican II wrought on us and on the Church. Part of the reason was Bishop Williamson’s tapes. He is truly doing God’s work.
The previous tapes I ordered were of excellent quality.
Thank you for providing help during these trying times. God bless your work!
I listen to Fr. Malachi’s tapes many, many times over.
Thank you for your service. I have spent so much time listening to your interviews you seem to be an old friend.
We certainly miss Father Malachi Martin. We also would like to thank you, Bernard, for making these wonderful tapes available to the public. God bless you and your apostolate.
Thank you for recording these precious tapes of this dear priest and teacher. I miss him very much.
I recently listened to the latest audiotapes by the late Fr. Malachi Martin and found them very interesting and instructive.
Thank you for the great tapes you made with Fr. Malachi Martin. God bless you in your work.
God bless you for keeping the memory and vital work of our beloved Fr. Martin alive! We will order his entire series again because so often lend them out.
Thank you for the prompt delivery of my previous order. Please thank Bernard Janzen for all his interviews with Fr. Malachi Martin. Those interviews are truly treasures for posterity. I learn so much about our Roman Catholic faith from them.
May Jesus keep your apostolate growing. You have helped many down here.
Thank you so much for filling my recent order. The tapes were absolutely wonderful.
I have ordered tapes from you in the past and keep listening to them over and over again. I cannot begin to tell you all that I have learned.
Your letter of August 25 absolutely agrees with every thought we have… Yes, you are right, we must sacrifice to attend the Latin Mass… Looking forward to tapes. It’s a help in these sad times.
I firmly believe God has been using you both to help folks like myself in our valley of tears existence. Certainly the current Vatican II presentation is impossible to accept.
Also, Mr. Janzen, may the good God continue to bless your efforts at Triumph Communications. Such precious information you share with us!
How privileged you were… to have been used by God to spread the words of Fr. Martin – his brilliant mind, his self-sacrificing heart, his passion for Christ and the Church- to thousands throughout the world who would have otherwise been unaware of so much truth. How indebted we are to you.
… I have been re-listening to the tapes of Fr. Martin. This second time, I discovered more information which I didn’t detect the first time. He really “hits the nail on the head”. It is all so very true!
We all appreciate your help. Looking forward to receiving the tapes.
Thank you for the opportunity to learn more about our faith.
I have all of your other tapes of Fr. Martin and they have been a wonderful help to me in understanding what has been going on for the past 35 years plus years.
The tapes you graciously mailed November 30th arrived today. I am delighted and hope to retrieve the three tapes you originally sent me from the priests who not only borrowed them but don’t want to give them back. I will be ordering more. I am so glad you do what you do.
I have just finished listening to some tapes by Malachi Martin. They are called Crossing the Desert. They are fabulous… Keep up the good work.
God bless and prosper your efforts to restore the Holy Church.
So glad to get your notice of new tapes of interviews of Fr. Malachi Martin. Wish there were more of them…
It has been a great spiritual honor and pleasure to receive your cassettes. I am sure you are saving many souls… I would like to ask if you plan on producing more cassettes as they are excellent and our starving souls need this special food.
I have ordered all of your interviews with Fr. Martin and really enjoy them.
Nice to hear from you again, Bernard. Have listened to your tapes so much I feel I know you. Keep up the good work. I sure appreciate the tapes. We need them.
Fr. Martin is one of the few luminaries in our priesthood today. Thank you for making his wisdom available to us today.
I agree with what you say. May God bless you for your good work.
…God bless the holy and brilliant priest Father Malachi and hope that God will permit him to spend more years spreading his vital messages that are such a tremendous consolation to traditional Catholics.
I am a great admirer of Malachi Martin. Thank you for offering a wide variety of his talks on cassette tape.
I sincerely look forward to receiving all of Fr. Malachi Martin’s tapes. He has been greatly missed since his death. I always enjoyed hearing him on the radio. Thank you for providing this service!
I appreciate so much having access to these informative tapes, as many can benefit hearing them in our harried times and I might add dangerous times, especially for Catholics who are lost and confused.
Thank you for the vital information you make available. May God richly bless you!
I do need to hear what Fr. Malachi has to say to help guide me through this present day desert. Through the tapes, I will be able to hear Fr. Malachi’s voice and that gives me such great joy. One can hear his kindness through his voice. He was truly a man of God: intelligent, wise, and humble. May God keep his soul.
Thank you so much for the three very interesting tapes! It was kind of you… I have picked out ten other tapes, mostly by Malachi Martin.
We are very fortunate to have people like you and good priests to help and strengthen us in what I call demonic times.
Please send another list of your tapes. Father Martin is wonderful! God bless your work!
I want to thank you very much for interviewing and making Malachi Martin’s ideas and insights available. I am very excited to hear these tapes.
I have finished listening to the last three tapes I ordered by Malachi Martin. I thoroughly enjoyed them… You are doing a great job for the Faith.
God bless your noble endeavours in steering souls on the right path and may the Holy Spirit enrich you and your family with graces and blessings.
Thank you for sending me the tape series Crossing the Desert. As usual, Fr. Malachi was his perceptive self. I enjoy all his tapes for the depth and insight they give.
Your tapes are very informative.
Thank you for your apostolate. The Church needs to hear the truth in this age of apostasy and confusion.
Thank you! Excellent tapes!
Great tapes!!!
I was privileged recently to hear Malachi Martin speak in Toronto. At that time, I purchased three cassette tapes, which I’m spellbound by. Fantastic! He’s special!
Thank you for sending the 11 cassette tapes of Malachi Martin, which I ordered. This gives me a complete set, as I received his others as a gift several months ago. I am making several copies of the brochures, which you enclosed to distribute to others and which I feel will result in more orders for you.

Sincere Catholics refuting liars:

Gerard from FE
. . .

[Maurice Pinay below - not the original but a fake who lies through his teeth with just enough presented to make him seem credible to the unsuspecting. Gerard outed him very well.]
MauricePinay said:
Gerard, here is the context you ask for: the Vatican II Council; Nostra Aetate is in danger of being scrapped

Was not going to happen. Bea was instructed from John XXIII to deal with the Church's relationship with Jews.  Paul VI added to that by including Muslims, Protestants etc. and Bea was suddenly in charge of "ecumenism" and "interreligious dialogue"  Bea's collected interviews "On the Unity of Christians" is a very easy and interesting read.  He was asked was "unity" meant in the way they were using the term.  He said, "Everyone believing the same doctrine, taking the same sacraments and being under the authority of the Pope."  Clear as a bell. Bishop Williamson could not complain about it.

  and Malachi Martin, the AJC, Rabbi Abraham Heschel and the Guggenheim foundation arrange to publish a work (The Pilgrim) embarrassing and intimidating Catholics so that Nostra Aetate gets promulgated.

"Embarassing and intimidating Catholics" What specifically are you talking about? 

Did you read that book at all? 

This is not a "Jew-hating" conspiracy theory.

I didn't say it was.  I think it's sloppy research and alot of wishful thinking and assumptions, not supported by the evidence cited.

  Rabbi Heschel's chief disciple Edward Kaplan said as much in his biography of Heschel, based upon the transparent agenda evident in the book which I've quoted and documentation and testimony from people who worked with the real Sutton Place, Guggenheim fellow, AJC accomplice, Malachi Martin who traditionalists never got to see.

You still haven't quoted Martin on Heschel.  What did Martin write about Heschel? 

Thank you for clarifying that you find reasonable Malachi Martin's claims that "anti-Semitism is an integral part of Christianity;"

You didn't clarify what the section of the books is called.  That would really clarify things.  "The Human Environment"  It's a shame that I had to do it for you. 

that "the extermination[sic] camps in Nazi Germany, were, if not the logical conclusion, at least one extremist consequence of the normal Christian attitude to the Jews"

Should I conclude that you disagree?  That you think mass killings and oppression of people are logical and not extremist actions?

that it's "necessary and good" that rabbis "destroy Christian Hebraephobia" by "teaching" in Catholic universities. There's no need for me to reply to that. You've said more than enough.

If you were to honestly reply...wait first you have to honestly state what I wrote and not set up a strawman. 

Oh that's right.  You forgot the first sentence and the last sentence of the paragraph you quoted. (or rather copied and pasted from the person who duped you.)

I think we can agree that Christian Hebraephobia should be fought against and condemned. But I don't think you've addressed Martin's comment that it should be moderated and controlled by the Church.  Including any teaching done by Rabbis so, the notion that the Catholic Church is any kind of "continuation" of Judaism is avoided.  The exact opposite of "Judaizing."

Despite your approval, there is no proper context for these claims or Martin's claim that Christ was sodomized by Roman soldiers.

Your assertion is simply not sufficient.  You keep claiming Fr. Martin said that Christ was sodomized by Roman Soldiers.  I'm not aware of the quote.  Show it to me or I'll just assume you picked it up along the way and have no proof of it.  Someone on another thread falsely claimed it's on one of the Bernard Janzen interviews.  It's not. 

and  "bled like a pig" on the cross.

You still don't even know what you are describing. "They bled him like a pig."  is not disparaging of the person being bled.  "They beat him till he was unrecognizable is essentially no different."  Fr. Martin did not say the "bled like a pig" with glee, he said it in order to emphasize the horror of the crucifixion.  Anyone with intelligence or even an honest disposition would recognize that. 

These are hardly the worst of Martin's treacheries, they're only the most unquestionably documented ones.

Wrong.  Aside from sounding like a pulp fiction novel.  you haven't accurately documented any of them.  And you can't even produce at this point an actual quote about the "sodomization" by the Romans. 

Show some proof of that one. That's at least a new one I'm not familiar with from any of my study of Fr. Martin. 

It makes me sick to discuss this.

Quit the drama and get with the facts.

This is a perspective that's not drama but you should be sick over:

If you can't back up your claims, you are going to have make reparation and that is going to be much easier in the here and now vs. at the Judgment seat of Christ.

If it turns out you're wrong on anything you've imprudently tossed around and you stubbornly resist the truth.(And you are wrong.) If you are unrepentant, God is going to hurl you into Hell so hard you'll only be aware of one thing, Fr. Martin smiling at God's justice against you.  And your sins against Fr. Martin will be the eternal reminder of what separates you from God.[bold emphasis added] 

Posted Jan 5, 2013, 7:10 am

The Devil's Liar:
The Fake JudsenRatz Maurice Pinay

Friday, September 27, 2013

Pope Francis, Marek Halter and the Tyranny of the Minority

As an Uzbekistan delegate for the Communist youth organization, Marek [Halter] attended the victory celebration in Moscow in 1945 and presented a bouquet to Stalin. (Marek Halter, Stories of Deliverance, ix)

French imams back pope after Vatican audience

Eight imams were part of the audience - seven from Paris and suburbs and one from Marseille

AFP , Wednesday 25 Sep 2013

A group of French imams attended a general audience with Pope Francis on Wednesday, saying they saw the Catholic leader as a figure of reconciliation.

"We feel something strong with this pope. We the minorities need him," Hassen Chalghoumi, a Tunisian imam in Drancy, a suburb of Paris, told AFP.

"Moderates should be supported. We should not be grouped with extremists who burn churches," he said.

The visit was organised by Marek Halter, a French writer of Polish Jewish origin, who briefly met with the pope during the audience in St Peter's Square.

There were a total of eight imams -- seven from Paris and suburbs and one from Marseille. Chalghoumi said they were all "sufis" -- a moderate current in Islam.

Tunisian cinema and television tycoon Tarak Ben Ammar brought the imams on his private plane and said the visit would boost inter-religious dialogue.

"We have a problem to resolve ourselves. Christians had this in the Middle Ages. Political Islam is winning the upper hand," Ben Ammar said.

Halter said that Francis "can do what Benedict XVI never managed to do: reconcile Christianity and Islam".

John Paul II and Benedict XVI both made overtures to the Muslim world but Benedict was widely criticised for appearing to link Islam and violence in a speech in Germany shortly after being elected in 2006.

Also see:

A Lesson in Multiculturalism

The Masqueraders' Jest

Bernard-Henri Lévy Indicted for Playing the Great Game

'Noahide Law' Peddling Rabbi Incites the Mob re:Sharia Law


Anonymous said...
great work maurice!

have you seen this video on malachi martin?

Pope Francis and Rabbi Skorka make history in the Vatican

 Correct assessment by Gerard from FE

Sincere Catholics refuting liars: 
From Cathinfo:

"Wrong.  Aside from sounding like a pulp fiction novel.  you haven't accurately documented any of them.  And you can't even produce at this point an actual quote about the "sodomization" by the Romans."

So, The Fake JudenRatz Maurice Pinay site produces this voice-over digitally reworked nonsense putting words in Fr. Martin's mouth uploaded by someone named Jim Smith - Jim Smith uploaded a video -  with the addition of non-American second language English speakers who sound like Israeli women [Israel employs its own women to lie on the internet - thousands of them and pays them to do so] reading something they concocted... Next time for a fake name, how about Joe Jones or John Doe or Betty Boop or Mickey Mouse...

Just as fake as Kakia Livanos and the addition to a tombstone with Malachi Martin's name on it of hers, for who she is see: Father Malachi Martin - witness to the Truth: Kakia Livanos Notice she is three years later and the clumsiness of the Tombstone. Who is actually buried there and even if someone did put both bodies there, so what? Father Malachi Martin was a virtual prisoner for a year before he died in great part by the connivance of Kakia Livanos.

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